the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shadow pandemic which
also grew and breathed side-by-side it.
to the pandemic, women were already majorly subject to domestic violence. Data
indicates that one in every three women were being abused at home. With the
onset of the pandemic, it jumped to a higher and alarming rate.
back in countries where laws protecting women from abuse are not at the
greatest. In Nigeria, hardly a week passed by where a female is either missing,
molested, or murdered even. In many cases, due to domestic violence (“DV”).
is not to say these occurrences are new. I mean… we all kinda heard of (or even
experienced) homes were fathers proudly caned mothers for “bad behaviour”.
as many of the horrible things which have turned to almost “normal” occurrences
in Nigeria – similar to terrorism and kidnapping – one could say a kind of
‘numbness’ has been developed with regards to DV cases.
to Twitter, see the latest story on DV, shake head, tweet displeasure, roll on
to the next appaling story.
however, that numbness seems to have been thrown off, and nationwide outrage
expressed at the death of one of the nation’s most loved gospel singers,
Osinachi Nwachukwu, allegedly due to hitting by her husband.
social media has been awash with various forms of venting, calling for the head
of the alleged abuser, while decrying the victim for never leaving, even as
more facts point to this having been a long-term occurence. What is a tad bit
surprising this time is that even clergy who would usually ‘unlook’ in matters
of this nature, while urging women to stay the typical Proverbs 31 champion
have also spoken out against DV.
we’re all speaking out and agitating, it is not a matter of simply expecting
victims to up and leave that will prevent other similar changes. Palpable
intersectional changes have to be made to overhaul the whole society, so as to
strangle this culture of taking abuse. Some of these are:
1. Divorce
Laws: Nigeria still operates a totally obsolete and archaic set of
dissolution laws, out of tune with the present times. These 1970 laws inherited
from the English – who have since updated theirs – only allows for fault-based
dissolution of marriage, with very little (and strenuous) grounds for no-fault
divorce. What this means is that a petitioner under the Matrimonial Causes Act
has to prove certain things in court, before a divorce can be granted.
Unfortunately, it is purely at the discretion of the judge, who has to be satisfied
that indeed the marriage is irretrievably broken down, based on these strenuous
does a victim substantiate abuse, if it is not (yet) physical? In a society
where no one wants to be termed a ‘home-breaker’, how does one get witnesses?
Is it until the victim is maimed that a case of cruelty can be established?
is also the flip-side in that the abuser may be the one tired of the marriage,
but due to the strenuous fault-based requirements of the divorce laws, may
resort to violating and assaulting the other party, to trigger their
‘desertion’, and voila! A valid claim for dissolution of marriage is birthed.
these acts just to trigger a ground for divorce may in themselves be fatal.
Which is why there is need to revise these laws, such that two adults who
entered into the marriage contract consentingly, can be allowed to go separate
ways without having to go through the eye of a needle, if either party is no
longer invested in the (hitherto) union.
Clergy: In a society like the Nigerian one which is overly religious, it goes
without saying that the clergy have a huge sway over the populace. Almost every
other Sunday, congregation are regaled with reasons why they MUST stay in a
union, regardless of the mental, physical or even financial unhappiness it
causes to them. The holy books are applied to convince unhappy couples to “make
it work no matter what”, as “God hates divorce”.
I will
by no means go in-depth into any arguments on religious teachings on divorce,
especially as I am no expert in cannon laws. The one thing I know for certain
is that if you are gnostic, it would help to know whoever you worship for
yourself, and not rely solely on revered, but still, human clergy.
I do not believe any kind supernatural being has a lifetime
of absolute unhappiness as a pass-mark to make heaven. No human belongs to
another human, and contrary to what has been peddled in the past, the clergy
have a duty to let their members understand that divorce is indeed a valid
option for physical well-being, mental health and and overall longevity.
Excommunication of members who have sought a divorce for
their peace of mind, in this day and age, should be a practice abandoned. This
is especially as there are some clergy in themselves who get divorced, yet, are
neither excommunicated by their own community, or even other clergy.
Family: We cannot move away from the fact that our orientation as children and
teenagers under our parents wings forms the basis of the rest of our adult
an early age as a female child, you are basically groomed to be a lady, for a
man. Religion and society reminds you at every inkling, that “the man is your
covering”. You are considered ‘loose’ if you are known to date more than a few
men, and reminded constantly of the virtuousness of staying with one man alone,
making sure you have children by one person alone.
if that one person is the cause of sleeplessness, heartache and (perhaps)
physical pain. “He is your husband. Stay with him. Make it work”.
parents now, we have to do better for the next generation.
our girls to fall in love with themselves first, and over anyone. Let our
daughters know it’s ok to go on several dates if need be, to find the right
person, and not necessarily ‘settle’ for the one who showed up. And that if
that ‘right’ person turns out wrong, there is no shame at all, in putting an
end to it and moving ahead with love and light.
our sons that physical strength is no excuse to harm another individual. No man
owns any woman, just as no woman own any man. Teach our sons to understand that
they are equal to their partners, and should seek to resolve matters amicably.
our family members that “when are you bringing a man home?” is not a
valid form of greeting. Rather, it is bullying which places undue pressure on a
single person, and in a lot of cases, propel them to make the wrong life
choices with regards to marriage.
families, we must do better.
Society: We can chant “leave to live” all we want. But if our society (and we
as a people) keep disrespecting single mothers, divorcees, blended families,
and general non-conventional family units, people will stay in the most hellish
marriages to “make it work”, at ultimately, the cost of their lives.
‘little’ things like snidely referring to a single mother as someone’s
‘baby-mama’, calling a divorcee “used product”, or insisting that a single lady
brings a male ‘covering’ in the form of a husband or brother before providing
her with required services are practices that we must consciously phase out.
have to ensuree a sane society, where a person can leave a marriage (or an
unhealthy situationship) and not be stigmatized.
Support structures: Beyond all of this, if we want people in abusive
situations to be able to leave, we must consider that they may have nowhere to
go to, or resources to build themselves up back. This is particularly dire for
a culture, where women are expected to “focus on marriage” and not career, so
when that marriage does go south, they are not financially empowered enough to
make an informed decision.
should be more domestic abuse shelters built by the government, for women and
children facing domestic abuse, to have a safe haven to immediately run to.
Religious houses that pride themselves on mega-buildings and having
congregation in the tens of thousands could also give back to their community
in having such shelters, and programs to assist victims of DV in sustenance and
family members who have their relations experiencing DV, you have to be prepared
to inconvenience yourself to help that family member come out alive. This might
be in the form of providing shelter, immediate finance, or connecting them with
opportunities for career growth.
All I
have put above is by no means exhaustive. The point being that the end to
domestic violence is not a burden we leave at the foot of victims alone. We all
have a part to play, including ensuring that the full wrath of the law is meted
on perpetrators, so as to serve as a deterrent to others.
Osinachi… I pray you find the peace in heaven that eluded you on earth. Sleep
Photo-Credit: https://healthydebate.ca/2020/07/topic/innovative-solutions-ipv-pandemic