Let me tell you about the Sunday I just had...
My Sunday started out quite upside down. In fact, my Saturday simply rolled into the Sunday, as I barely got any sleep at all into the morning. Tossing and turning all night.
It was probably triggered by the recent interest rate hike (again) by the BoC. Yes, along with some million of other Canadians, I am feeling the pinch of the variable rate dream morph into a nightmare.
By daybreak, my head and heart was heavy. I was as cranky as I was downcast.
My mind kept running kiti-kiti kata-kata, thinking of ALL the things that were wrong in my life.
It was at the pinnacle of hopelessness, that I had to stop myself in my tracks, and remind myself of my 3ts.
As someone who had witnessed the dark side of depression, I made an oath to myself to live in self-awareness, and not let my mind run away with me.
So that when vicissitudes of life swell, and it is as though everything is crashing in on my head, I have to pull myself to a stop and remember the three Ts:
1. Talk it out
2. This too shall pass
3. (and most important of all) There is Always Hope.
Especially the third one.
I have learnt to catch myself on those horrible, horrible days, and firmly reassure myself that these feelings of uncertainty, disappointment, confusion or whatever shall pass. This hour, this day shall pass. And the next hour or day will be full of promise and laughter.
And so, armed with my reminder of the 3Ts, I launched into Sunday.
Despite everything in my body yelling to hide under my covers and fall into a deep hole, I put on my Sunday best, dressed to smithereens in the exact antonym of how I was feeling, and went to talk it out, in faith, in church and to the God I believe in.
I talked it out with my significant other also, who helped me see things for how they really were.
And as I talked it out, I eased into the 2nd T: the overwhelmingness of it all slowly passing.
Not that all the cares in the world have been sorted, but that that burden that makes it all look insurmountable is lifted, so that I can breathe and rationally make plans on how to practically deal with issues before me.
It helped me to put things in perspective, that in many way, I was living the life I always dreamt of, and whatever hiccups there were along the way were only temporary.
Which led me to the 3rd T. Despite how I had felt that morning, by midday, I was reminded that there IS always hope. By the end of the day, that Sunday ended up being one of my BEST days in long while; filled with a lot of laughter, and promise of better times to come.
As I lay down in bed and reflected on the very interesting day I had, how low it had started, and how beautiful it ended, my mind went to Chelsie Krat, and Robin Williams.
I wondered if they had felt so overwhelmed with the stress of life, perhaps not having the one person to be vulnerable with, feeling that the overwhelming nature or force of the negative emotions would last forever, and and caving in to the lie that hopelessness presents.
My heart ached as I thought of these, and I wished I could have hugged them in that moment, to let them know that too will pass.
So this is me, sharing the message, that whatever mountains seems insurmountable at this time, shall pass.
And THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE. It is that hope we cling to, that should be our why for sleeping and waking up.
You will smile again. And again. And again.
The heaviness will lift, and you'll see, that life is beautiful.
Things will work out, and you'll be glad you didn't cave in.
There is Always Hope. 💓
P.s: Happy Father’s Day B... and to all the amazing Dads, who show up, stay put, and keep us going. ❤️.