In October 2020, young Nigerians all over the world suffered collective heartbreak, as we watched the Nigerian government unleash live ammunition against the youths, for peacefully protesting bad governance, police brutality and corruption.
To the old order, how dare they??
Folks like me had begun to detach myself from all things Nigerian governance, since 2019, when the Supreme Court Chief Justice was illegally and unceremoniously ousted.
But October 2020 birthed new hope, as youths seemed to suddenly realise the power they had [as one woken from deep slumber] and channeled their frustrations through the #EndSARS movement heard all over the world.
That hope however seemed quashed by the show of brute force against the youths, in the murder of peaceful protesters by the Nigerian Army, and the subsequent hounding of people who had been involved in the #EndSARS movement, including blocking their bank accounts.
Things seemed to die down.
Nigeria was back to business as usual, as poverty and insecurity skyrocketed, while the nation dug deeper in ruins. With a ruling party hell-bent on dividing Nigeria along ethnic and religious lines, and an opposition party basically non-existent, there seemed nothing to stop the free-fall.
For a while there, Nigerians and Nigeria seemed to have lost all hope.
And then, came Peter.
Mr. Peter Obi.
Not that he's a newbie on the Nigerian governance and/or political space. But he's a known disruptor of the status quo, having fought a ruling party both at the polls and in court, survived rigging and impeachment to be a two time governor of what was erstwhile the worst State in Nigeria, and left it after his governorship as the most profitable State in the country.
Till date, the prudent leadership he exhibited is still being enjoyed by the people of Anambra State, and the bar for contestants for governor in that State has been placed at a height that cannot be messed with.
Mr. Obi in the last election cycle had been a vice-presidential candidate in the main opposition, but this election, he broke ranks with the major party, and has become the Presidential flagbearer for a hitherto unknown party.
All of a sudden, he is has become the person to beat in the Nigerian political scene, even as the country has seen an unprecedented surge in voter registration.
A large number of the youths - both online and offline - have Mr. Obi on their lips; it would seem new life has been poured back into Nigerian political scene, with a vibrancy that was last seen perhaps in the 1993 elections.
Mr. Obi is a disrupter as has never been seen in Nigeria in recent times, in that he is boldly saying what has been feared in the past: HE WILL NOT SPEND MONEY TO BUY VOTES.
He is somewhat of a reminder of how Donald Trump came in and disrupted the American political scene, except that Mr. Obi is deliberately undivisive, does not engage in insults against any of his opponents and perpetually dons his calm, smiling demeanour, while making a sound case for how good governance is not rocket science, which he will prove it to Nigerians when elected as President.
Rather than stay stuck on to the dismal state of affairs perpetuated by past irresponsible governments, Mr. Obi focuses on facts and figures of how he changed Anambra State, and how he will replicate same in Nigeria.
The biggest challenge which naysayers have put up, and even Mr. Obi himself has acknowledged, is the perception that he is in a party without structures.
But Mr. Obi has made it clear that he is not campaigning for a party: he is campaigning for the people. He is pitching his tent with the Nigerian people, while refusing to be bogged down by the godfatherism and the scratch-my-back-I-scratch-your-back that will come with being in the other two main parties. Mr. Obi is once again asking Nigerians to equally place their bet on him.
And it seems to be working. At the moment, Mr. Obi's popularity with the masses - especially the youths - appears to be soaring.
Expectedly, a large number of Nigerians are excited once again at the possibility of Nigeria regaining her past glory and being recognised as the giant she is, just by getting its head screwed back tightly.
This is not to say it will be an easy win; Mr. Obi is going against strong contenders who can be considered institutions in themselves. [Basically the same set of players who have been playing ping-pong with the country for decades, with nothing to show for it].
I join millions of other Nigerians both in the country and in diaspora, to pray that indeed, this wind of change birthed by Mr. Obi's good intent for Nigeria come to fruition.
Regardless of the eventual outcome of the 2023 elections, it is my fervent prayer that the disruption and awareness Mr. Obi has induced in the Nigerian masses ensures that things never return to business as usual in Nigeria.
Or else, there just might cease to be a Nigeria very soon.